A volunteer led local museum in North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland

Winter Talks

We have a regular Winter Talks programme for Members and Patrons.

Our talks are held in the chapel area at St Andrew Blackadder Church, St Andrew Street, North Berwick EH39 4NU.

Drop in to talks welcome – £5 entrance donation. Doors open for 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Interested in being a Member or Patron? Get in touch with Barbara Clark for free trial membership

including free admission to our next talk. You can be sure of a warm welcome.

Winter Talks – The Importance of Being Ruined, Thursday 20 March 2025

© Ian Goodall

The Importance of Being Ruined. A talk by Olwyn Owen

Our final talk on Thursday 20 March has the intriguing title of ‘The Importance of Being Ruined’. Local historian and Chair of the North Berwick Environment and Heritage Trust, Olwyn Owen will escort us on a verbal tour of historic sites of North Berwick, including the ruined nunnery, Castle Hill, the mills in the Glen and several others. Her talk is bound to prompt us to visit or re-visit these sites in person with a newly informed perspective. 

Olwyn’s talk will commence at 7.30pm in the Chapel area, St Andrew Blackadder Church, St Andrew Street, North Berwick, and is open to all. Entry is free for Members of the Coastal Communities Museum, and by £5 donation for Non-Members. The talk will be followed by some light refreshments.

Judith Booth