A volunteer led local museum in North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland

How We Work

We run as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation and anyone who would like to actively support the objectives and activities of the Coastal Communities Museum can become a Member.



The Museum is run as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and as such we are registered with, and regulated by, the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Everyone involved with the Museum is a volunteer.  Our SCIO has three tiers:

  • Members

  • Patrons

  • Board of Trustees.

Anyone who would like to actively support the objectives and activities of the Museum can become a Member. They help to make sure that the SCIO is being run effectively and have an entitlement to vote at the Annual General Meeting (generally held in August each year) or any Special Meetings that are called.

They benefit in the same as Members do, but chose to make a financial rather than a physical contribution to the museum.

Board of Trustees 
The Board was first constituted in July 2012, but the actual trustees have changed and will continue to change going into the future.   They are appointed for a period of three years and thereafter be willing to re-join the Board, at which point they must be re-elected by the membership. The Board can have between 8 and 14 trustees, all of whom are Members.

The Board operate as the strategic body for the museum, managing the various operational tasks involved in running the museum and acting in the best interest of the museum at all times. The Board meets 6 times per annum and in addition, Board Members attend an annual Planning Day.

Board of Trustees  -  appointees
The make-up of the Trustees can be broken down as follows:
9 trustees   –  are appointed by the Membership
3 trustees   –  are appointed by East Lothian Council
2 trustees  –  are appointed by the Community Councils of North Berwick and Gullane Area

Board of Trustee  -  tasks
Trustees can either be a specific office bearer or fulfil an operational role.
The Office Bearers are:

  • Chair

  • Vice Chair

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

The Operational Roles are:

  • Volunteers & Front of House

  • Membership Liaison

  • Exhibitions/Curator

  • Marketing

  • Educational Outreach

  • Patrons

Museum Sub-Groups
In order to manage the museum, the Board have established a number of sub-groups to assist the micro-management of the operational duties. These are led by a specific Trustee, but usually comprise of a mix of trustees and museum volunteers.  The groups are:

  • General Operational Management

  • Building Management

  • Grants, Funding and Sponsorship

  • Future Planning

  • Marketing

  • Exhibitions

How we operate
The museum is run as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation or SCIO and as such is registered with the Scottish Charity Regulator or OSCR.
The Coastal Communities Museum (SCIO) has four tiers:

  • Members

  • Patrons

  • Volunteers

  • Board of Trustees

Anyone who would like to actively support the objectives and activities of the Museum can become a member. They help ensure that the SCIO is being run effectively and have the entitlement to vote at the Annual General Meeting (generally held in August) or any Extraordinary Meetings that are called.
Click here to find out more.

To support us further, you may wish to become a Patron if you already have a link or affinity with the museum, such as an interest in one of our subject areas or exhibition themes. Patrons are asked to make an annual financial contribution.  This may be in addition to other support that you may be giving the museum or be independent of it.
Click here to find out more.

The contribution made by our team of volunteers is priceless  –  in terms of their time, their physical help, their knowledge and their varied experiences.
Click here to find out more.

Board of Trustees
The elected and nominated Board Members direct and manage the operation of the museum, ensuring that at all times the ‘ship’ is run both effectively and efficiently.
Click here to find out more.


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