Donate Now
Working in partnership with East Lothian Council means that we are not permitted to charge an entry fee to the Museum, so we rely on other sources of income. Visitor and supporter's donations are critical to our ability to stay open and develop our volunteer run site.
In addition, other sources of revenue such as grants, individual and corporate sponsorship and legacies are very important for our future development.
We have to date been successful in securing grants from a variety of local and national sources. These funds have already been allocated, therefore new sources for grants are always welcome.
Either as an individual or as a company, you may find there is a benefit to be gained by sponsoring the museum or a specific exhibit or exhibition. This may particularly be the case if you have a direct association with North Berwick and the surrounding area or a customer base which matches the profile of our visitors. We like to think sponsorship related to our museum could be mutually beneficial.
The Next Step
Please contact Barbara Clark, Museum Vice Chair & Treasurer.
Click here to phone Barbara.
Click here to send Barbara an email.
We are asking you to consider giving a gift to the museum, not today, but at some point in the future, when you feel the time is right. Just a little can make a big difference. It costs us £150 every day we are open to run the museum, even with a volunteer workforce. Any help you think you can provide would be very welcome.
The Next Step
When the time is right, please consider including us in your Will. The details your solicitor will require to ensure your wishes are met are:
Charity Name: Coastal Communities Museum
Trust Address: School Road, North Berwick, EH39 4JU
Scottish Charity Number: SCO43666