A volunteer led local museum in North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland

Winter Talks

We have a regular Winter Talks programme for Members and Patrons.

Our talks are held in the chapel area at St Andrew Blackadder Church, St Andrew Street, North Berwick EH39 4NU.

Drop in to talks welcome – £5 entrance donation. Doors open for 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Interested in being a Member or Patron? Get in touch with Barbara Clark for free trial membership

including free admission to our next talk. You can be sure of a warm welcome.

Winter Talks – ‘It Really Happened Here!’ 22 October 2024


It Really Happened Here!, 22 October 2024

Although the Coastal Communities Museum will be closing for the winter months at the end of October, we will continue to entertain you during the colder, darker evenings with our new season of Winter Talks. The first Talk kicks off on Tuesday 22 October 2024 with ‘It Really Happened Here!’, by the North Berwick Drama Circle. 

Join us on an entertaining journey through North Berwick's past, enjoying some scenes, songs and stories about the town, and discover some things you may not know, and can't quite believe! Because, believe it or not...it really happened here!

The evening will commence at 7.30pm with the AGM, followed by ‘It Really Happened Here!’ at 8pm. It will be held in St Andrew Blackadder Church, St Andrew Street, North Berwick EH39 4NU. Entry is Free for Members of the Coastal Communities Museum, and by £5 donation for Non-Members.

Judith Booth