Johnnie Bower’s Specs and Case
Johnnie Bower’s Specs and Case
“Oyez, oyez!”
Photographs © Judith Booth
“Everyone will miss the familiar face of Johnnie Bowers from the streets and corners of the town. The style in which Johnnie acted as town-crier was thoroughly unique. The old bell having worn out and disappeared, the Town Council left Johnnie to his own resources. Johnnie heralded his town-crying operations by rubbing together two earthenware bowls causing a clatter which had irresistible fascination for the youngsters, however ‘hideous’ to older and more sensitive nerves. These quaint old customs lend a charm to places of holiday resort.”
Extract of Obituary from Haddingtonshire Courier, 27 September 1878
This extract from The Haddingtonshire Courier celebrates the life of town crier and bellman Johnnie Bowers, who died at the age of 50 on the 23 September 1878 in North Berwick. These spectacles and their case belonged to Johnnie and he may have worn them as he announced the news in his own distinctive way. There is a memorial to Johnnie Bowers in Kirk Ports graveyard in North Berwick, which was raised by public subscription shortly after his death.